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At 10:37 AM -0500 1/31/10, Louis Proyect wrote:
>Shawn Redden wrote:
>>  To my eyes, it's not a world that the 'Global Warming' issue
>>  addresses in any meaningful way.
>>  Am I the only one who loses my mind when I see 'people' like Chevron
>>  or BP 'talk' about "carbon footprints"?  Once, early in the
>>  disgusting campaign, I sent an e-mail asking about THEIR carbon
>  > footprint ... just to decompress.
>I would pay less attention to Chevron public service announcements on
>PBS than to this:

Why?  As much as I wish they were, these voices - Davis, Castro, 
Chavez, etc. - aren't driving the debate.  In fact, they're fighting 
a rearguard action against the 'global warming' ideologues. 
Especially Chavez, whose remarks on Cophenhagen are especially 

Asserting one should ignore the very mouthpieces of this agenda - 
those who use 'global warming' to articulate a program of austerity 
for the masses - that Chavez _fought_ in Denmark (as illustrated by 
Castro's speech) is akin to the coach of a professional sports team 
saying that scouting the opposition is a waste of time.  The hip-hop 
group dead prez have a great tune with a chorus that beings:  "know 
your enemy; know yourself - that's politics."

The 'cap-in-trade'/air privatization agenda must get blown up, and 
the eco-gangsters must be brought to account.  That's the bottom 
line, and anything that does otherwise on this issue is diversionary.

I love Mike Davis and thank you for sending along the essay:  it will 
be subway reading this week.  I just finished using an essay he wrote 
in 2006 on Dubai in my class, and in the past have used selections 
from Late Victorian Holocausts and Dead Cities as well as an 
interview he gave to Socialist Worker on the climate.  So his work 
isn't foreign to me.

But the fact that Mike Davis thinks that capitalist development has 
screwed the world doesn't in any way encourage me to disregard the 
major new story that the major scientific mouthpiece for the 'global 
warming' agenda has an e-mail log to hearkens back to Enron.


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