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Cockburn says, “Because Paul had
deprecated the ADA, on Democracy Now! on Friday morning Amy Goodman even fished
some spavined old nag from that dismal body to join her in execration of the
Slouching Beast that is Rand.” 
Here, Squire Cockburn brings his knowledge of horse ailments to the aid of
another sexist assault, following up on last weekend's heehaw about thick-jawed 
dykes. But he is lapsing more and more into incoherence: this
ADA is not a “body,” but an act (the Americans with Disabilities Act), and the
spokesman for the A.D.A. on Democracy Now! was a stallion, not a nag: Mike
Ervin, “a freelance journalist and a longtime activist with the disability
rights groups ADAPT.” Could Cockburn be confusing this A.D.A. with Americans
for Democratic Action? Different things altogether, old chap.

The rest of Cockburn’s piece lurches incoherently from one position to another,
including the blissful counterfactual that, if Rand had wanted to, he could
have moved away from Rachel Madow’s questions about the 1964 Civil Rights Act
to a discussion of “what has happened to blacks since that glorious day, from
an appalling school system, to blighted housing, constricted employment
possibilities, shriveled share of the national income and most recently the
great transfer in US history of money and assets from African Americans to rich
white people by the mortgage speculators, given free rein by Democrats and

Yes, he could have, if he’d been Bernie Sanders (excoriated in this piece) or 
Gray. But he isn’t. He’s Rand Paul, and he wants Lester Maddox to be able to 
service to whomever he damned well pleases.

The weed up Petrolia way seems to be excellent this year.

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