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C'mon, evidence that Eritrean nationalists or the Bosnians are akin to the
racist Secessionists of 150 years ago?  Surely there was more to indict them
than that they were "friends" of progressives, indeed what "progressives"
were Jefferson Davis and his ilk friends with? Moreover, how many slaves did
the Bosnians or the Eritreans own?  and surely you're not comparing
Milosevic with Lincoln?  And for what its worth, the NYT didn't have too
many kind words for the Confederacy at the time.  With all due respect,
leaving the Balkans aside, this is exactly the type of superficial knee jerk
analysis I was talking about. Give us a break.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Peggy Dobbins <pegdobb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Someone once pointed out to me, I think in re Eritrian "national
> liberation"'from Ethiopia, that Lenin advocated "alliances with the national
> liberationists"he did as a revolutionary tactic, not as a strategy for
> realizing socialism.  Since then, whenever presented with a case to
> sympathize with politics that undermine support of friends who consider
> themselves liberal-progressive-left-democratic-and/or-pro-socialist for a
> government I know a) has a socialist constitution and b) the NYT has printed
> stories I suspect of a beginning campaign to demonize it for on the ground
> it oppresses a national or ethnic or religious group especially if it seems
> to make  a moral case for secession,  I have a stock answer:  what would
> Lincoln do?
> Of course there may be fellow listers whose extensive research suggests
> supporting lincoln back then was supporting a running dog bourgie tool. But
> on the other hand there's the direct oral history recounted by so many
> Umited Daughters of the Confederacy(to this day I have to say) of black and
> white union trash raping our white ancestresses.  At least my friend who
> thought I had some nerve suggesting feminist lawyers at Center for
> Constitutional Law were being used to foment left sympathies for recarving
> up Yugoslavia got rape as a war crime on the world agenda
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