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Someone once pointed out to me, I think in re Eritrian "national 
liberation"'from Ethiopia, that Lenin advocated "alliances with the national 
liberationists"he did as a revolutionary tactic, not as a strategy for 
realizing socialism.  Since then, whenever presented with a case to sympathize 
with politics that undermine support of friends who consider themselves 
liberal-progressive-left-democratic-and/or-pro-socialist for a government I 
know a) has a socialist constitution and b) the NYT has printed stories I 
suspect of a beginning campaign to demonize it for on the ground it oppresses a 
national or ethnic or religious group especially if it seems to make  a moral 
case for secession,  I have a stock answer:  what would Lincoln do?  

Of course there may be fellow listers whose extensive research suggests 
supporting lincoln back then was supporting a running dog bourgie tool. But on 
the other hand there's the direct oral history recounted by so many Umited 
Daughters of the Confederacy(to this day I have to say) of black and white 
union trash raping our white ancestresses.  At least my friend who thought I 
had some nerve suggesting feminist lawyers at Center for Constitutional Law 
were being used to foment left sympathies for recarving up Yugoslavia got rape 
as a war crime on the world agenda

Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

On Dec 2, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

>> those platitudes
>> as regards self determination were at the heart of the best of what I
>> learned in the movement way back when and the authors thereof, like George
>> Breitman, would certainly have had confidence in explaining and defending
>> their views and not just brushed this important issue off.  I

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