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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis Proyect" <l...@panix.com>

> Subscribers should understand that the Greenleft group in
> Australia is burdened by many habits characteristic of the
> "Marxist-Leninist" left, including a tendency to exaggerate the
> differences between itself and the rest of the left over "litmus
> tests" such as the Balkan wars.

Entirely fictional
> Karadjis is the only member of this tendency who has ever written
> about this matter


> Over the past 12 years since this mailing list has existed, I
> can't recall a single DSP member ever taking up this question.

You have a bad memory, but yes, conceded, I have done far, far more than 
anyone else. So what? People have different areas of interest and 
expertise. Only list moderators have the time to have litmus test 
opinions on everything. The other thing is, many other members of "the 
green left group" (can't speak for everyone) usually tell me that while 
they appreciate me occasionally taking you on, they consider trying to 
argue with someone as fanatical as you on this issue to be a waste of 
> It is all the more perplexing since comrade Karadjis has elevated
> the differences into something approximating those between Elie
> Wiesel on one side and David Irving on the other. Karadjis is a
> kind of Marxist Wiesel calling out the "holocaust deniers" on the
> socialist left, including me, for disagreeing with him about what
> happened in Sarajevo, etc.

Complete fiction.

Unfortunately, your methods of using character assassination as a 
substitute for argument are well-known, in fact I believe also by people 
who may agree more with you than with me on these issues. Indeed, even 
many who agree with you here have been recipients of your "style" on 
other issues. People can like or hate what I just wrote, but your 
accusations are meaningless.

Frankly, I have no interest in wading into these debates again; if it 
was just you and Thorstad and Gorojovsky having a bit of a mutual party 
about what a good bloke Karadzic is etc, I wouldn't care, and have 
passed many times, but this time I thought I'd wade in as some others 
had made some sensible comments.

I'm much happier writing occasionally in agreement with you on a range 
of issues, such as trying to analyse what China is today or issues 
related to the Palestinian liberation movement, than in fighting the 
Balkan wars at all, let alone drawing Weisel-Irving lines between 

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