Doesn't Marx say that the only War is Class War?
How do you expect to win a war for the Worker?

--- On Mon, 12/20/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 3:10 PM

I denounce the statement below advocating the violent extermination of  
people/classes, and consider such advocacy political terrorism, unacceptable to 
a discussion list such as this. 

I have no connection with or anything to do with individuals advocating  
extermination - in this case violent extermination, of individuals as these  
individuals constitute themselves into classes. 

I further admit to having no political or personal connection, personal  
private conversations, and/or personal private contact, with the author below. 
Nor have I every engaged in any discussion of extermination of 
people/classes  with anyone. 


In a message dated 12/18/2010 8:10:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_mark1scot...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 

You are such a fraud it is unbelievable.  From the moment you  started 
refering to me slanderously years ago, especially in regards to my past  
military service, is when the so-called name calling began initiated by  you.  
was you who began the slander and refering to you as a deiviant,  apologist 
and such is in line with describing a revisionist.  Look at all  the writings 
of Lenin and others in their references to deviants. 

I make no hidden insinuations here...I have absolutely no respect for you  
so let's get it clear now because I will not lower myself to your gutter  
standards again. 

Let's look at the archives "dude", here is what created my animosity  
towards you according to what you wrote "dude": 

"I mention this Mark because you fucked with the wrong nigga." 

"You are a fool and thug." 

These are only 2 of the many name calling references you started with me  
yet want to self-righteously claim you don't resort to name calling.  These  
two quotes of name calling was made by you because I said I believed in the  
violent extermination of the US bourgeoisie which was written on Friday, 
Dec 30,  2005.  The article was entitled by you RE: Yu Chi Chan - Black 
Panthers 2,  Mark as murderer and Terrorist. 

You so hypocritically love to turn everything on its head and pretend you  
are so principled but you are nothing but a bourgeois loving revisionist  
pretending at Marxism.  It was you who called me a murderer and terrorist -  
not the other way around "dude".  You will go to any length to slander  
someone and then pretend to be so self-righteous.  Why don't you go whine  and 
snivel to the moderators like usual!  There is no polite way of saying  how 
much I detest you as a fraud so I will leave it at this 

LRNA clearly states that fascism is alive and well in the US and I will be  
glad to post their articles if needed. 

Mark Scott

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