In the history of the international communist movement there exist NO  
literature advocating the violent extermination of a class. There  is NOTHING 
Marx, Engel's, Lenin, Stalin or Mao where as individuals or  
representatives of a party and class, these leader advocate or call for the  
of a class. 

Class struggle in its military aspect is never a question of  extermination 
of a class. Class struggle in its far reaching political-economic  aspects 
call into question the liquidation - dissolution, of the old dying class  
and classes, BUT NOT AS A MILITARY MATTER in its practical and historical  
A class is liquidated on the basis of its pending dissolution of its  
economic underpinning or revolution in the means of production and transition 
the property form. The proletariat liquidates itself as a class. Who in 
their  right mind would call this historic act of liquidation - extermination 
of a  class? 
Advocacy for extermination of a class is a call for genocide pure and  
simple.  Which of course is why no one in their right mind will endorse  such a 
formulation. Advocacy of extermination of people - a concrete historical  
class, is a call for genocide and mass murder.  One cannot exterminate  a 
One can only kill individuals constituting a class and their place is  
immediately taken by new people until changes in the productive forces are  
sufficient to render the class obsolete in the first place. Old classes are  
overthrown and liquidated from history as society leaps to a new mode of  

In a message dated 12/20/2010 4:11:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_frankied...@yahoo.com_ (  writes: 
I think that we're going overboard here with this statement  produced  
renew by Waistline;  we can see that Waistline has already disassociated  
himself from the "extermination" word; so you're SAFE, don't worry.  NO one  
is advocating Terrorism or the like, as I see it.  Also, No need to  summons 
the attention of the oppressive  police State by pretending to be  so 
sanctimoniously vigilant on this matter. 
There is class war all over this world and we are quite conscious of how  
murderous  the  Imperialists are.
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