On Friday 23 May 2008 7:08:09 am Paul Kienzle wrote:
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 08:45:02PM -0500, John Hunter wrote:
> > On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Paul Kienzle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It looks okay in Firefox (though it did complain about missing
> > > the mathml fonts).
> > >
> > > IE 7 displays the xml tree.
> >
> > I don't mind using latex for math where is really helps but I think we
> > should try to keep it to a minimum, since it appears mathml in the
> > browsers is poorly supported.  I also want to keep the docstrings as
> > human readable as possible.  I know that in some cases latex *adds* to
> > the human readability, but in other cases it detracts, so we want to
> > balance the elegance of the final pdflatex generated PDF output with
> > the reality that many will be seeing the docs either in plain text or
> > improperly rendered HTML. If it can be done easily enough with ascii
> > math art, we should prefer that.
> Yes it is nice to keep things readable for the help system.
> One possibility is running the docstrings through a preprocessor as
> part of the install process.  This can remove extraneous reST markup,
> and using tex2mail, convert latex formulae to ascii (I haven't tried
> it yet, but that's what it claims to do).  This also lets you plug
> in attribute documentation at compile time rather than doing runtime
> hacks.
> However, the problem I was referring to above is that IE7 is not
> rendering the xml, even for pages which did not have mathml.
> This might be something simple like making sure files use .html
> rather than .xml.  Darren has taken the temp pages down so I can't
> try that.

I moved them when I updated mpl to split the API reference from the Users 
Guide: http://dale.chess.cornell.edu/~darren/temp/matplotlib/

I just heard from Jens again, he has another extension that uses png's rather 
than mathml. I'll try it when I get to work this morning, it should work in 
all browsers and we can use regular html files.


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