Michael Droettboom wrote:
> Christopher Barker wrote:
>> For what it's worth, apparently you can speed up GraphicsContext code 
>> substantially if you use it right -- 

> Can you be more specific about this 

no. I haven't done much with it myself.

> or provide a reference? 

A number of threads on the wxPython list. Here's a couple:


a quote from that:

An interesting phenomena
I've noticed is that the rendering speed is directly related to the
number of pixels that get pushed - scale the tiger up to 500x500, with
it all visible on screen, and it's slower. Scale it down to 10x10 and
the rendering is lightning fast. Move it off screen so that only a
portion shows, and it's even faster.

This seems to indicate that clipping is efficient -- hmm.

Here is another one:


> Eventually you do have to draw something 
> to the screen, right? 


> Is there another way to do that besides going through a DC? It
> doesn't seem possible to create a wx.GraphicsContext
> without providing a DC (at least in Python). 

No, I think you've got that right. There is:


Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context 
must be eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for 
GDIPlus or a cairo_t pointer for cairo.

But I doubt we'd want to get into that for MPL.

> In my testing, it seemed
> that clipping of any kind caused a major decrease in speed, not the
> kind of DC being used.

If you can come up with an self-contained example of this, a post tot he 
wxPython list may yield results.

Sorry I can't be more help.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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