Michael Droettboom skrev:
> Unfortunately, I think this is a bug.  The ordering of fonts in the 
> family list is being ignored, and Bitstream Vera Sans is winning over 
> Nimbus Roman for reasons other than its name.  I'll have to get this 
> patch in for the bugfix release we're already planning.
> As a workaround, try putting only "Nimbus Roman No9 L" as the only font 
> in the list.  Does that help?
> Also, I don't see the Nimbus Roman font file (n021003l.ttf) anywhere in 
> the debugging output.  Are you sure it's in C:\Windows\Fonts ?
> Mike

As you say it seems only one font at a time can be specified. These are 
the ones I have managed to use by only specifying a single font: Times 
New Roman, Georgia, Euclid, Arial, Vera.

It seems the Nimbus Roman my LaTeX installation uses is from utmr8a.pfm 
and utmr8a.pfb some kind of Type 1 font. I can install the pfm file in 
the system font directory but not the pfb files, anyway matplotlib won't 
use it. Is there a free ttf version available somewhere or is it 
possible to put the pfm/pfb files it somewhere else and have matplotlib 
use it?

Thanks for looking in to this,

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