Jouni K. Seppänen skrev:
> Michael Droettboom <> writes:
>> Jörgen Stenarson wrote:
>>> I tried to use usetex to generate my pdf figures but I got a crash 
>>> when saving the figure, log attached. I traced the crash to 
>>> find_tex_file(), apparently ' can not be used to quote filenames in 
>>> the windows shell it has to be ". In my patch I just changed it to 
>>> always use " I don't know if that works on other systems.
>> Someone who knows about usetex should review and apply this patch.
> In Unix shells ' is the better quoting character because all sorts of
> things have special meaning within " characters... but I changed it to
> use subprocess.Popen instead, so we shouldn't need to worry about shell
> quoting at all.
> Jörgen: Thanks for your report, which I think is the first one from a
> Windows user using usetex with the pdf backend. Can you check that the
> latest version on the trunk works (either by updating from svn or by
> applying the attached patch)? Have you run into any other problems? What
> TeX distribution are you using?
It works from current svn. I'm running miktex2.7. I have seen some font 
mismatch problems but I'm not sure they are bugs. But I will get back to 
you on those.


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