On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 3:59 PM, C Lewis <chle...@nature.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Tiny case appended.
> On my system (OS X), csv2rec() of the first file is fine, csv2rec() of the
> second fails with the mentioned error; they only differ in newline
> characters. Inconveniently, the one that fails seems to be Excel's default
> export.

OK, I can reproduce the problem and the solution is easy.  Open the
file in universal mode and pass the file handle to csv2rec::

  fh= file('myfile.csv', 'rU')
  r = csv2rec(fh)

Here is an example ipython session:

In [2]: import matplotlib.mlab

In [3]: r = matplotlib.mlab.csv2rec('tr
triangleplot_demo2.csv  try

In [3]: r = matplotlib.mlab.csv2rec('triangleplot_demo2.csv')
Error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)

/Users/jdhunter/Desktop/<ipython console> in <module>()

/Users/jdhunter/dev/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/mlab.pyc in
csv2rec(fname, comments, skiprows, checkrows, delimiter, converterd,
names, missing, missingd, use_mrecords)
   2514     if needheader:
-> 2515         for row in reader:
   2516             #print 'csv2rec', row
   2517             if len(row) and row[0].startswith(comments):

Error: new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you need to open
the file in universal-newline mode?

In [4]: fh = file('triangleplot_demo2.csv', 'rU')

In [5]: r = matplotlib.mlab.csv2rec(fh)

In [6]: fh.close()

In [7]: print r.dtype
[('sand', '<i4'), ('silt', '<i4'), ('clay', '<i4'), ('om', '<i4'),
('porosity', '<i4'), ('site', '|S3')]

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