John Hunter wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Christopher Barker

>> Shouldn't csv2rec open files in Universal mode by default anyway?
> The only down side I can see to this is universal support can be
> disabled at build time, though it is on by default.  At least this is
> my interpretation of

well, that was 7 years ago (wow!), I don't know if anyone turns it off 
now, but in any case, so what? it'll act like it does now ( open() 
ignores flags it doesn't understand -- at least it did )

> It's a pretty rare bug (in my experience and I work on linux, unix and
> os x and freqeuently with excel files) with an easy workaround (pass
> in your own file handle) so I am not sure we need a fix here.

But why the heck not? and according to the OP, Excel does create such files.

Personally, I try to ALWAYS use 'U' when opening text files -- it can 
save headaches, and I see no downside. It really should be the default 
-- it's not, because the default was always text, but that was the same 
as binary on *nix -- so there is a lot of *nix code out there opening 
binary files without the 'b' flag. So we couldn't change the default 
back in 2002, it would have broken a LOT of code.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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