On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Nelle Varoquaux

>> I think including a gallery of published examples would be great,
>> however, there will be some serious challenges with regards to copyright.
>> It would be great to show MPL being used in high impact journals (which it
>> is), but getting permission from them to show the plots on the MPL website
>> may require some paperwork. So, a list of citations might be a good place
>> to start. Here's mine: http://jeb.biologists.org/content/215/11/1783.full
> I just came back from a bioinformatics workshop: I was suprised by the
> amound of people using matplotlib to display results.
> I think it wouldn't be too hard to gather images and published them on
> matplotlib's website if the authors are OK with it. Also, in cancer
> research, publications and/or plots are often available publicly.
> I don't think citations would be as efficient: I personnally wouldn't
> bother looking at those.
> Here is an example on circos' website of how they advertise the use of
> their plotting library in research:
> http://circos.ca/intro/published_images/
> Cheers,
> N

I think citation based discipline specific listing would make a good simple
start. For instance:

Atmospheric Science:

Article 1 citation [link1]
Article 2 citation [link2]


Article 1 citation [link1]
Article 2 citation [link2]


Seeing mpl produced plots would be only 1 or 2 clicks away, plus this would
provide context to the use of plots rather that extracting figures and
putting them separately (dealing with copyright issues and such) on an
alternative gallery page. The figures you linked look shinny but not much
practical use in my field. Later, we can work on a more specific academic
gallery page, once citation gallery grows to a critical limit.

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