I think that a lot of people find the idea of MD complex enough, they
wouldn't even know how to approach an MP3 player. MP3 is being reported in
the press as a way to get "free music" any time you want. I think that most
people when reading something like that think : "yeah right!, where's the
Then they see that you need a PC (in most cases) and an internet connection
and they think *that's the catch!*. While there are millions of users of the
internet, most people don't venture beyond email and Altavista/Yahoo and so
something like MP3 is beyond them.
And as someone else said already, here in Europe you have to REALLY want a
song to wait for it to download at 4-5K a second.

I still occasionally record MP3s onto MDs but have problems with recording
levels etc and only ever use it for making compilations of songs. What would
be really cool however would be an entire DVD filled with MP3s.....enough
music to last a day or two! Nice. But I haven't seen any of them around yet,
but I guess it won't be long.

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