At 05:17 AM 9/18/99 PDT, you wrote:

>I'm not entirely certain about the validity of Sony's claim although I do 
>have a tendancy to believe that the more reliable the media the more 
>accurate the reproduction will be (this applies to all data, sound and video 
>formats digital and analogue).

That belief is flawed, at least for digital media. Digital media only have
varying reliability, not accuracy. Eric himself sums it up best in the FAQ:

"Since MDs store digital data, there will be no qualitative difference
between the sound of various discs so long as the disc's raw bit error
falls within the
bounds of what can be handled by the MD ACIRC error correction system."

As for empirical difference, that can also be discounted:

"The CD specification allows for discs to have up to 220 raw errors per
second. Every one of these errors is (almost always) perfectly corrected by
the CIRC scheme for a net error rate of zero."
- Andrew Poggio

While uncorrectable errors are possible, you are likely to have much more
serious problems (such as UTOC corruptions) long before the audio data
starts to be uncorrectable.

Your player is more likely to hiccup than the disc, I'd say. This is
basically where Ralph is coming from when he talks about power supply
variations caused by peturbations in disc tracking. But if this really
worries you, you can always feed your MD player output to a digital
decoder, and you're back to square one (and the disc makes no difference).

(Though I must add, Jon Deutsch presented an interesting problem yesterday
morning... Holy MiniDiscs Batman! I'll leave someone else to speculate on
the metamorphosis of a terbium-iron-cobalt alloy into Swiss cheese.)

>Christopher Spalding
>Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.

While I endorse immodesty, I do think this was perhaps a bad post to make
this claim on. As always, my claims are open to complaint. :-)



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