> > > Christopher Spalding wrote:
> > >        ... thus the higher quality the media the more
> > > likely it is that the reproduction will match the orriginal.
> > >
> > Simon Barnes replied :
> > This does not follow. "Better" quality media MAY experience less errors (or
> > may be entirely marketing hype), but as long as the errors are corrected, it
> > makes no difference.
> I have to disagree I'm afraid Simon. The accuracy to which the original signal
> can be reproduced can depend a lot on how robust the error correction is.
> Significant deterioration may result in the error correction not being enough to
> fully correct the error. Better quality media should also experience fewer
> errors, because the reproduction of the original signal will usually be more
> accurate. Even in the digital realm, a poor quality disc may result in the
> difference between a "1" and a "0" on the disc becoming less clear, making
> mis-reads more likely. A lower quality disc (in the case of MO) may also not
> react as quickly to the heating from the laser, resulting in some data not being
> recorded correctly, or even slight stresses in the disc causing mis-alignment.
> Having said all this, error correction on MDs and CDs certainly is very robust,
> and is designed to be able to cope with such situations. It is worth noting
> however that a good quality disc may last longer in terms of the number of
> re-uses it gets before it may start to deteriorate, and by using a disc that can
> more accurately reproduce the original data, you negate the need for as much
> error corection to take place, thereby almost guaranteeing the signal
> reproduction to be faithful in terms of the original. Of courwse such
> deterioration would be miniscule compared to the alterations ATRAC makes to the
> sound anyway, so it is safe to say that even to the trained ear it would not be
> audible.
> --
> Magic

I agree with Simon.

ATRAC allowes an error rate up to 200 bit-errors a second. ATRAC uses an
error correction schema that's different from CD. This error-correcting
algorithm is much more powerfull and will correct all bit-errors as long
as the error-rate isn't higher than 200 bit-errors per second. Ie, as
long as ATRAC can correct the errors, there is no difference in sound!

Tests with several brands discs have proven that 'low', 'mid' and 'high' end
disks have an bit-error rate in the range of 20-50 bit-errors/second. And
there are quite some low priced disks out there that have an error rate of only
20 bit-errors/second. And there quit some high-end disks that have an error
rate way higher than 50 bit-errors/second. So what does this mean?

High-end disks are introduced by MD blank manufacturers in order to steal
our money. People are ignorant and believe the technical non-sense that our
dear MD-blank constructors are yelling. It applies to tapes so why wouldn't
it apply to MD-blanks? People should start looking at MDs like floppy-discs.
Ie, your report doesn't change from disc to disc? (And yes, I've had very
cheap discs that perform very well and I've had very expensive discs that
came right out the pack with diskerrors!)

Ralph -> sticking to MPO (HiSpace) discs. Average error rate: 24
         on my Sony MD-S38. 

Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
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"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-    
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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