> >I'm not entirely certain about the validity of Sony's claim although I do
> >have a tendancy to believe that the more reliable the media the more
> >accurate the reproduction will be (this applies to all data, sound and 
> >formats digital and analogue).
>That belief is flawed, at least for digital media. Digital media only have
>varying reliability, not accuracy. Eric himself sums it up best in the FAQ:
>"Since MDs store digital data, there will be no qualitative difference
>between the sound of various discs so long as the disc's raw bit error
>falls within the
>bounds of what can be handled by the MD ACIRC error correction system."
>As for empirical difference, that can also be discounted:
>"The CD specification allows for discs to have up to 220 raw errors per
>second. Every one of these errors is (almost always) perfectly corrected by
>the CIRC scheme for a net error rate of zero."
>- Andrew Poggio

It actually takes a metal class tape to store digital data on, and even on 
these you will notice that DAT occasionally will have glitches and it 
happens more often on digital video tapes (more with the picture than the 
sound because it's harder to correct, and you are more likely to record this 
in an environment with much motion.) and most floppies stuff up pretty 
easily.  Now, obviously more durable media such as CDs and MDs don't 
experience errors that much thus the higher quality the media the more 
likely it is that the reproduction will match the orriginal.  If you took a 
bunch of cheap minidiscs and continued using them until you had a few 
glitches, and then repeated the experiment using higher quality discs, you 
would probably find that it would take longer for the higher quality discs 
to produce glitches.

>>Christopher Spalding
>>Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.
>While I endorse immodesty, I do think this was perhaps a bad post to make
>this claim on. As always, my claims are open to complaint. :-)

have a sense of humour!

Christopher Spalding
Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.

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