<<  I think can see why the store would have problems returning something
that was part of a bundle.  They don't know the price of each individual
unit in the bundle.  at least that  is my guess.  >>  (J. Coon)

Actually, the price is inconsequential.  They would have to match the value
of my original deck, which was sold separately as well.  The appropriate
replacement would be the MDS-JE530.

<<  | Curiously, the JE510 does not have DEVO status,
| which would mean
| that Sony would accept the unit back, no questions asked.
| You'd think since
| they're not willing to recall it, they'd at least give it DEVO status.

<<  What's DEVO status - does it mean it's in a band, or just DEVOid of
reliability?  >>  (John)

See above.


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