----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> besides which there are those (and from what i've seen, they have a pretty
> solid case - my main sources are AudioTechnology Magazine in Australia) who
> believe that 44.1kHz, 16bit audio leaves a lot to be desired - the current
> top CONSUMER audio is 24 bit 96kHz (this is the DVD Audio format).

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... I guess "Audio Technology Magazine" writes
the same sort of cr*p that "What Hi*Fi" does in Britain.

> Rupert Neve (if you have to ask who that is, don't bother responding to this
> email), aside from swearing that the best analogue will always sound better,
> feel better an generally be better than any analogue, says that he feels
> digital will be of an acceptable quality when it is 24bit 192kHz (kinda
> leaves MDs for dead, huh?).  This is because of high frequency dynamics,
> which affect the sound colour.  It is because of this that much of his gear
> has enormous frequency responses.  This makes MD look even worse than CD/DAT
> in this respect, for the ATRAC coding actually trims the frequency response
> to compress the audio more easily.

Rupert Neve?  Let me guess- he's a hifi "expert" who reviews audio kit
or something like that?  Although if he needs 192KHz sampling rate and
even 96KHz sampling degrades his listening-- he's a fruit bat.  Get real
man, he's as nutty as a fruit cake.  I assume this guy uses ultrasonic
transducers to ensure frequencies of around 40KHz are reproduced yeah?
Otherwise all those high frequency dynamics will be lost and the sound
will look wrong?!?

> Don't get me wrong, i think that MD technology is great - i have been saving
> for ages to buy a unit and have my heart set on the 831 - but it has its
> limitations, it is not really appropriate for high end pro use, and i would
> imagine that diehard audiophiles would probably prefer to use higher end
> stuff also.

Well we all think MD is good here, I expect otherwise we wouldn't have
joined.  You can hardly expect a portable like the 831 or any other to match
the quality of a high-end full size MD unit.  You sort of imply that MD is only
used in portables and is a replacement for a Sony Walkman.

> Christopher Spalding
> Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.

Or rather "Gullible, generally polite but misguided person" :-P

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