> At 09:59 AM 11/30/99 +0100, RS wrote:
> >> Funnily enough, just as audio MDs are sawn-off CD-RWs, MD-Data2 discs are
> >> sawn of DVD-RWs.
> >
> >Ahh....
> >
> >Than I must have been wrong.... I always thoughed MD used MO technology and
> >that CD-RW used some sort of other technology that doesn't require a
> >magnetic field during writing.....
> <mumbles>Smart ass... Tosser..<mumbles>

That was a joke..... Sort of comes with my job. I verify microprocessors..
are two of the microprocessors in my bag) Errors don't show up like that, you
have to
ask for them. It means criticizing... I sort of tested you to see if you where
saying non-sence or if you really know what you're talking about.

> Look Ralph, it was a throw away line, but if you insist, CD-RW is, from
> what I have read, a magneto-optical format from the Orange Book (CD) standard:
> Orange Book Standard
> -   Announced in 1990 to address the new recordable optical media and
>     provide specifications for incremental writes.
> -   Divided into 2 parts, Compact Disc-Magneto Optical (CD-MO) and
> -   Compact Disc-Write Once (CD-WO)
> -   Covers Multi-session discs, such as the Kodak Photo CD.

CD-MO was considered as a rewritable optical media. But it never maked it to
the consumer. CD-RW made it.

> Now, because I don't use rewritable CD media, and have no practical
> experience with CD-RW, I have always assumed that CD-MO was CD-RW. Please
> tell me if I am wrong, but I do ask that you adopt a much less
> condescending and patronising tone in future.

MO uses a laser to heat a surface and a magnetic head to change the direction
of the attoms in this surface. It's based on the 'curry effect'.
CD-RW uses a chemical substance that changes if you shine a laser on it. AFAIK
it won't change if used with a low power laser. but it will change with a high
power laser. 
> All the documentation I have read on MiniDisc media seems to indicate that
> it is heavily based on the CD standards. After all, why reinvent the wheel.
> Hence my statement that MD1 is sawn-off (i.e. a smaller) CD-RW (meaning
> CD-MO from Orange Book).

The protocols are based on CD.  If you read the IEEE ATRAC document (on the
community pages) you'll see that MD is based on CD-MO. But NOT CD-RW.
> >Seriously, you can't compare MDs with CD-RWs since the underlying technology
> >is completly different.
> If you say so, Ralph. I certainly agree there is more than one way to
> Oh, and MDData2 just happened along coincidentally at the same time as we
> figured out how to pack more onto an optical disc. To say the two are not
> related is farce. I'd be willing to bet that the MD2 specs bear striking
> resemblance to DVD specs, just as the MD1 specs bear striking resemblance
> to Orange Book (CD) specs.

Nope, if you look a little bit at Sony's product line, you'll see that they
sell 5.25 inch 4GB magneto optical drives... Bring it back to 2.5 inch and
voila, your medium for MDData2 is ready. I don't think they have changed a
lot in how they organize their data on the disk. Which is probably based on

> >I suppose that DVD-RAM is based on the same principles as CD-RW.

Ralph -> Was I to hard?

Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
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