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* "PrinceGaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Sat, 25 Dec 1999
| Seems a bit of a hot cookie today, this copyright stuff.  Perhaps satan
| delivered a CD or two to some peeps for xmas and they are already
| thinking of all the CDs their friends must have received and are counting
| their supply of blank MDs.

I got to talking with Robert Woodhead (aka Trebor) a few years ago.  I
asked him why he stopped making Wizardry games.  His answer: he was sick of 
people stealing his game, and did not want to deal with it anymore.

I have gone through similar, though in my case it was plagiarism of essays
rather than software piracy.  Nothing makes an artist want to quit his art
like someone stealing it from him.

| And why not?  Copyright law sucks.  Big time.  My view is so long as you
| don't sell unauthorised recordings of music, films, games, or anything
| for a profit, then it's sorta alright and I dunno why anyone gets so
| excited.

For every unauthorized recording you make and give to someone else, the
artist who made the recording loses ~$1.50 on the CD that was not sold.
You are quite literally stealing his lunch money.  And you have the
unmitigated gall to say that nobody is being hurt.

| The one minor exception to this would be a program I released as
| shareware and which I received a fair amount of cash for and would hope
| anyone who hacked the registration is doomed to eternal damnation!

So, it is okay for you to steal another artist's lunch money, but eternal
damnation to anyone who does the same thing to you.  Hypocrite.

| We're not talking about bootlegging CDs by the tens or hundreds of
| thousands, just you and a mate helping each other out.

Maybe I will help myself out to your car if I ever find myself in your neck
of the woods.

| I would like to point out that the above are my views and do not
| necessarily represent the law of this or any other country, and that I am
| not indicating that I have actually performed any of the above activities
| whether stated explicitly or implied.  Does that satisfy you legal types
| out there?  Rat?

No.  We were discussing a point of law, not your opinions.
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