MD Trading of copies of original CDs is definitely illegal - no grey areas,
that's piracy.

Most traders on the net (including myself) trade in recordings of concerts
that someone has taped (via various sources) and then offered for swaps
or blanks and postage if the person has nothing to offer.  These are the
grey area recordings as we are not denying the artist or producer any royalties,
and also not profiteering ourselves.   People who sell these trades are
condemned and flamed big style in my experience.   A lot of artists are
cool to this, Phish come to mind.  Neil Young is pretty relaxed about it - there
was even a tapers area at the HORDE shows in 97.   Bruce Springsteen
doesnt dig it and there was an article on Wired News a couple of years
ago about a BS fan being busted by the RIAA, who traded on the net.  He
entered the dodgy area of having people send him cash to cover the blank
tape and postage which the RIAA turned into profiteering (bootlegging).

An excellent book on the subject is Clinton Heylin's "Bootleg: The Secret
History Of The Other Recording Industry" - ISBN: 0312142897.


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