As many of you may know from my previous posts, I am a
new convert to the MD format.  Obviously, I want to
see it survive and prosper as do all of you.  I am
amused by the numerous posts that all read something
like this:  If "Sony reads this"...or "Sony are you
listening?"  Now we all seem to agree on two
additional points (other than wanting the format to
survive and prosper), those being: 1) Sony is an
arrogant and short-sighted company and 2) Sony's
marketing leaves much to be desired.  Since we all
agree that Sony is arrogant and short-sighted, why
would anyone ever dream that Sony would come to this
digest and check out the opinions of those who
contribute to it?  Indeed, why would they even be
concerned with those who are already converts?

Since we all agree that Sony could use some help with
their marketing strategy, why not address these
opinions in e-mail or written mail format to Sony
itself?  They probably will ignore the opinions
expressed therein; but at least they will have seen
them.  Sony is not reading this list.

Also, I have never heard an MP3...but if it is worse
than MD I'm not interested.  MD is sleek (the word
sexy was used...I believe appropriately).  Also, the
MD sound is really good...near CD quality.  I wouldn't
want to give up anymore than the quality MD offers me.
 There are some cases where I would prefer to burn a
CDR (if I had the equipment) than record an MD because
in these particular recordings there is a slight
difference.  I would be miserable with the MD3 sound. 
It may be helpful to those who want to check out
recordings before deciding to plunk down money on the
CD.  I, personally, will live a full life without MP3.

On a more personal note.  To Albert: I have over 1,750
CDs; and probably about 1,000 LPs and about 1,000
cassettes (remember those).  I may be an "old geezer"
to many of the people on this list (44); but I like to
think that I have many good listening years ahead of
me.   There are two reasons that I own so many
recordings: 1) I like a wide variety of music:
Classical, Broadway, Jazz, some rock/pop and 2) my
tastes have changed over the years so that I have many
recordings that I wouldn't have gone out and bought
today.  But I still listen to them occassionally. 
There are very few recordings that I feel I can get
rid of and not miss them at some point when in the
right mood.  Most of those I have already gotten rid
of.  My foray into the world of MD was intended to
archive those old LPs onto a more durable medium. 
There's some great stuff there that will never again
be available commercially.  By the way, what Boradway
shows have you recorded?  I would love to get some
live recordings..although there's not too much on
Broadway these days worth hearing, much less

Anyway...have a great weekend all!  


On a more personal note
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