I'm almost a week behind reading these...just catching
up now.

To the person (I already deleted the e-mail, so I
apologize for not remembering your name) who was
interested in labels:

I agree with the person who uses labels from computer
diskettes or some such label that can be removed
easily.  I use Avery labels which I obtained at work
...they no longer use them, and there were boxes up
for grabs.  The neat thing about the Avery is that
they are so easy to use with a program such as MS
Word.  Just tell the program which label you are using
and it formats for it.  And, of course, they can be
removed easily enough.

The real reason for this response, however, is to let
you know that if you have labels that won't come off
cleanly, there is an excellent product here in the
states called Goo-Gone.  It will remove residue from
labels, tape, etc.  I use it for many different things
(such as removing the tape residue from drum heads
that I had to muffle with duct tape as an emergency

Best regards,

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