On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 16:10:13 -0000 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'M curious: 

Howdy Curious, I'M Neil...pleased to meat you ;-)

> (read my emails and you know it)

S'funny, I've always seen you sign them as Simon :-)))

Oops - Doh! You mean you're curious by nature, and your emails are testament
to this...silly me!

> do many people actually use
> the labels (other than the narrow, edge ones) ?

No Siree Bob! Not me.

I just title my MDs (my bookshelf has a PS/2 keyboard port on the front, so
titling is pretty easy for me...), can't be bothered with those nasty,
sticky, manual-type labelly thingmies.

I guess if you just wanted to pick a MD and know what was on it (assuming
you kept the physical label up-to-date - perhaps in pencil?) they could be
useful, but I don't mind putting a MD in my portable to check what's on it.

> I can't write (or read) that
> small.

...said the actress to the bishop... ;-)

I digress! As I spend most of my time using a keyboard, and very little time
at all writing, now, it kinda feels a little strange to actually write with
a pen - sometimes when I'm signing a debit / credit card slip, I sometimes
pause for thought - must look a bit strange.

I think if you've got some MDs that are unlikely to change, putting a
written label on, may mean you don't have to load it, to check what's on,
but as I seem to change quite a lot of my MDs, from time to time, I kinda
figure that sticky labels would be unwieldly.



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