From: "Simon Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ralph Smeets wrote:
>     > > has run for 3h33m CPU time. The total for ALL the other
>     > processes is about 3
>     > > minutes.
>     > Hmm,
>     > what are you doing on that machine?
> As little as possible ? Reading/writing endless MD emails ?


>     > to. Add to that that most 'deamons' (little programs that
>     > are loaded into memory
>     > during the start-up of Windows) need more memory than the
>     > Linux equivalent.
>     > OS overhead is a real problem in this case.
> I agree that OS's can have a considerable MEMORY overhead, and if you don't
> have enough, this can then affect the speed if you get into swapping, but an
> ATRAC algorithm would have a small working set (demand for memory), so I
> wouldn't expect the OS to make a big impact. I'm not intending to digress
> into a Linux/Windoze comparison. Yes, you need to buy enough memory to
> satisfy the demands of your OS to run the programs you want.

100MHz SDRAM is cheap these days-- I got 128Mb for ukp80 inc vat and shipping
more than enough for Windoze98 and some theoretical ATRAC encoder I would
think.  I would say I'm a bit puzzled as to why my machine is nearly 20% slower
when I disable the motherboard's 1Mb cache as it is also only running at 100MHz.
Is the cache SRAM and have fewer (or no) wait states?  Reply privately if you wish.

>     > Ralph -> are we still on-topic?
> Barely; I suppose we're spinning around the feasability of executing ATRAC
> on a PC. Rat had suggested that a PC is 600 times too slow. I don't think
> that is the case.
> simon

Who cares, Nick only ever issues a very mild warning after eg, prattling on about
gun-control for days so this topic has to be okay.
BTW I hope M Schumacher does well in the first F1 race of the season in Sydney
this weekend.

Am I the only guy thinking "Rat" is now cornered and behaving as a real rat
would-- desperately defending their ground tooth and claw even if they are
really already beaten?  No offence intended friend Rat :-)

PrinceGaz -- "Blessed Be."

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