If you read the MDCP FAQ... I think degradation, especially on modern
equipments, don't start occuring until at least the 5th generation. I've
done cassette-->MD-->MD (all analog connections), and the last generation
sounds fine. Just 1-2 generations between copies should go unnoticed even
with analog connections.

If I understand SCMS correctly, prerecorded MD --> optical cable --> blank
MD should be all right. First generation,

Norio Ohga, the (ex) Sony President who pushed for MD's creation, said
openly in publications that MD has sound degradations for political reasons
(or CD-R/RW music would've come out much earlier). But in your situation, it
should be almost indistinguishable.

> I've noticed HMV.com selling some of their selection MiniDisc format,
> which leads to an interesting question (either that or it just shows that
> I don't RTFM enough).  If I have an MD deck with a digital out and try
> record to my MZ-R50, I know I can't record digitally from an MD that is a
> copy of a CD.  Can I record from a store-bought MD to a blank MD without
> SCMS getting in my way?  Will there be a significant amount of
> degradation?
> What I mean by degradation is...  To record from CD -> MD, I know that it
> takes uncompressed data from the CD, sends it to the down the wire in
> digital form, then the recorder compresses it with ATRAC, and stores it.
> To record from MD -> MD, it uncompresses the ATRAC, sends it down the wire
> in digital form, then recompresses it when it hits the recorder.  I know
> that this would cause degradation, but does anyone know if this would
> cause unacceptable degradation in the sound quality?  Is it something that
> someone would even notice?

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