On 9 May 00, Stainless Steel Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just FWIW, when I was over at Cambridge Soundworks at Cambridgeside (Boston
> area), I was talking to one of the guys about MD recorders.  He had pointed
> me at Boston Sound a couple of days before and I was gloating over the R90.
> Anyway, MD is the one thing they cannot keep in stock.  People want MD.

Yeah, I had a similar experience at our local Circuit City.  They had 30
packs (or was it 20 packs?) of MD blanks for a pretty good price, but
for some reason I put off buying them.  I went back in about a week
later, and they'd all been emptied out.  I had to buy my blanks at a
normal price, dangit.

Still, it's really good to see that folks are buying MD stuff.  I love
my little MZ-R37, and am looking forward to purchasing an MD deck for my
stereo this month.

# Erik Arneson     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Webring Technical Yahoo! #
# http://www.aarg.net/erik/             GPG Key ID: 1024D/43AD6AB8 #
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