Listen, do you all remember seeing the first CDs? Here was this really 
cool looking reflective disc that uses lasers to be read. You can hear your 
favourite song on an album just by pushing a button. It sounded better than 
the cassette and it was MUCH smaller than LP. Only rich people owned them, 
so it was every teenagers goal to save for eternity to be the first of his 
friends to own one, just like the first teens to own cell phones.
     For the average person, MD doesn't represent any quantum leap forward. 
Try explaining the benefits of MD to most teenagers (I've tried). It goes 
like this:
"So what is this again?"
"Well it's basically a small CD."
"Oh, that looks pretty cool. Where do you buy music for this thing?"
"You don't usually, usually you record your own."
"Oh well is it better than CD sound?"
"Well actually it's almost the same as CD, just a little below."
"Well why wouldn't you just buy CDs?"
"It's a lot smaller than CD and gives you the ability to make your own mixes 
from anywhere."
"But what would you record from?"
"MP3 or CDs are a good source, but anything that produces sound really... 
video games, concerts, whatever you like."
"How much do these recorders cost?"
(keep in mind I live in Canada)
"Well they start at about $300."
"Hmm and you need one of those players to play the discs. I think it would 
just be easier to use a CD burner, I can get one for only like $150 these 

and so on and so on....

So what does this mean?? It means that MD is goddamn cool, but unfortunately 
unpractical; unless of course you are a journalist or musician or something 
of the like. Or, like myself, a techno-geek who thrives on expensive 
'exclusive' technology!

Billy Hetherington
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