> I will have an interview with some guy from MPO (Hi Space France) soon and I
> will ask him the question even if the guy from Hi-Space Canada already told
> me that Memorex and Hi-Space are two really distinct company...

The man I dealt with told us he was the owner.  He said that he was from Canada,
but he was French (which is not to say that he wasn't born in France and moved
to Canada).

I don't think that anyone in the company will admit having made Memorex even if
they did.

The start up costs for manufacturing MDs must have come down, because 3 years
ago (except for Hi Space) all MDs were made in Japan.  MDs were not selling well
enough outside of Japan to invest big bucks in an MD manufacturing facility.

It didn't pay to make discs outside of Japan if you were going to sell most of
them to Japan.  The shipping charges would make it too costly.  I am surprised
to here that there are so many new manufacturing facilities in Europe now.

Frankly I don't understand it.  Sales of MD have not shown growth outside of
Japan.  When a big chain like Best Buy, who was probably the largest carrier of
MD gear in the past drops the line almost completely, that isn't good.

They really pushed MD.  They carried a verity of MD stuff.  Probably one of the
only places that you could walk in and walk out with an MD boom box.  But I
guess it never made it for Best Buy.

Circuit City is also a huge chain.  They never went after MD in a big way.
Their sales people knew nothing about MD.  It's hard to sell something when you
know nothing about it.  But that's typical of these chains.

I may be making one of the stupidest statements I have ever said, but I really
believe that more MD stuff is sold through the internet then in stores (in the
US).  If you read the FTC complaint about MiniDisc Now, look at the company they
were in.  Macys.  Macys!!!  Toys R US!!! These are multi multi million dollar

It's late and I'm too tired to proof read my dyslexic e mail.  Please excuse
anything that makes no sense.




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