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"Dave Hooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK, but the problem is that all of the above is a CD vs. MD sound
>> comparison. I agree that MD doesn't sound as good as CD. However, your
>> original claim, to which I was responding, was that high-bitrate MP3
>> sounds better than MD.
>Well, what I wrote was actually directly in response to someone else's claim
>that "MD always sounds better than MP3s".  I was merely describing a simple
>test that compares CD vs. MD because, essentially, when I rip MP3s I don't
>get the strange sparkly burbling sounds.

I see now what you were trying to illustrate. However, see below.

(P.S. I was one of the people who said -- and still say -- that MD always 
sounds better than MP3s.)

>> As for the above paragraph (and this is completely unrelated to the
>> previous debate), I've never heard of any kind of "layer of sparkly,
>> burbling high freqencies" or the like when recording from CD to MD. The
>> MD never sounds as good on my equipment, but never because of such
>> "noise." To me that sounds like a problem with your recorder.
>I'm not the only one !! I just did a quick search on altavista and 
>came up with this: <http://minidisc.org/hearing_sharp_atrac.html>
>Although I did also find this as a kind of response 
>Is it a problem with my Sharp831; or is it a problem with THE sharp 
>831? And how can I find out, other than try a bunch of other Sharp831 
>units, perhaps by taking my unit back to the store and complaining 
>that it sounds 'broken' ?

Well, then that sounds like there is a problem with the Sharp 831. I've 
never heard such "fizzing" with a 702 or 722, nor have I heard it with a 
Sony MZ-R50. But back to the original discussion, using an 831 that 
apparently has a faulty encoding algorithm isn't a very good way to 
compare MD to MP3 ;-)
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