--- Dan Frakes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
> You can easily hear a whisper in a quiet room, or even in a room
> with a 
> bunch of people talking softly, but in a noisy room you can't at
> all. Not 
> the best analogy

Well, not really an analogy at all.  The whisper remains a whisper
while the noise-level in the room goes up and swamps it.  But here,
we're talking about some kind of change in the character of the
signal due to ATRAC (whether it's weird artefacts accompanying low
bass, HF hash, loss of stereo imaging, whatever) - surely the louder
the playback volume, the more apparent the deviation from the
original reference?

> if the artifacts of ATRAC
> compression 
> are subtle, you may be able to hear them at low volumes but as the
> music 
> gets louder it masks them.

But you're raising the volume of the *whole* thing - surely the
artefacts are preserved (rather than obscured) in this process. 
Unless [a] I've completely misunderstood the principles of 'masking'
or [b] you're using an amp which really struggles to drive your
speakers at high volume, and fidelity decreases anyway.

I'm confused now.


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