"J. Coon" wrote:

> lI am an engineer, and I think that if we can hear something, there has
> to be a way to measure it.  THis is science , not hokus pokus.

Jim, I have been corresponding with you on the list for several years.  I almost
always agree with what you have to say,  because I think you are right.

This reply is not an exception, but rather a clarification.

I think that you are missing my point when you say, "there has to be a way to
measure it".  I'm not saying that if the sound is clearly noticeable to the
majority of normal hearing persons that it can't be measured.  That's a fact.
Anyone who would
argue with you about that is simply mistaken.

What I am says is a) there are measurements that an instrument can record that have
no significance in the real world because they are beyond the realm of human

b) Just because some people "hear" something (remember, it is important to use the
term some people) that does not mean there is a measurable, quantitative
difference.  Only that some people "hear' something.

How many times have you been  all excited about some new piece of equipment or
"improved" CD (by improved I mean that the CD had been out for some time and in
order to generate new sales, the record company makes a vague reference to
improvements on the "new version".  But when you have other people listen to what
you are all excited about, they do not notice any difference.

> There are two main reasons for this that I can think of.  One is that the excited
> person is hearing what he/she wants to hear.  The other is just the opposite.
> The person being asked to listen just doesn't have the ability to distinguish
> between certain variations in sound (or video for that matter).

What is also important for me to make clear is that the person that can not tell
the difference doesn't have to have poorer hearing then the excited person (by the
standard means use to test a persons hearing).  He/she hears perfectly fine.  Maybe
even better then the exited person, as far as testing goes.  But their thought
processes are not able to comprehend the difference.

I'm NOT speaking of a psychoacoustic or (and I am using this term only to avoid
another stupid thread) psychosomatic effect.  Two people have good eyesight.  In
fact one of the person's is even better then the other.  Both read something.  Both
understand each individual word.  But when placed in a specific order, the person
with the "just good" eyesight might fully understand what he/she has read and the
person with the better eyesight has trouble understanding the exact meaning.

This has nothing to do with intelligence either!!  The person that can't quite "get
it" (btw, I hope that everyone on the list is getting it and as often as they
want<G>) may be "rated" with a super intelligence.  It's just that there are areas
where very bright people excel and at the same time this brilliant people may just
not be "good" in certain areas.

So why can't the same be said for what one hears??

> Yup, and a year later, there will be a newer model to whet your
> EAS..(Equipment Acquisition Syndrome)
>  I think you hit the nail on the head, Larry

I like that EAS!!!  It is so true.  Each year most equipment manufactures make
"changes" and "improvements" to their products.  But often these "improvements" are
actually only things that make the product look a little different and in many
cases are done because it is cheaper for the manufacture to produce (even though
they may charge a premium for the newer model.

I'm not going to touch planned obsolesce.  We could start a thread there that would
never end and probably spend months just talking about Sony.

> Enjoy your weekend,


> --
> Jim Coon
> Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
> If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?
> My first web page
> http://www.tir.com/~liteways
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