Sorry for not replying to some posts to this.  I was travelling when I sent 
the message and went into a busy phase in Tokyo and Shanghai where internet 
access was limited.

Here are a few eratta:

LP4 mode IS good enough for music.  My tests before were from my R-90 to the 
R-900 using analog connection and manual record levels.  I got some major 
artifacts, but it was a quick experiment in my hotel room.  I don't know what 
I might have done wrong.  Now I'm home, I have made some recorings at LP4 
compression with a digital source.  The quality is quite good in LP4.  I need 
to do real comparison listening to decide if I will actually use it, but for 
a 4 x increase in storage capacity, some less quality sensitive source 
material might be well worth this trade-off.

You CAN title on a non-MDLP deck.  I did this with my JB-930.  Again, before, 
I tried this with the R-90 and I got the message "Tr-Protect".  So maybe it 
is just a R-90 problem.  I am very glad I can title these tracks with the 
keyboard on my 930.

Sorry for the confusion.  I should have made more specific statements rather 
than generalizing.  What I said was accurate for the tests I did at the time, 
but were not generally accurate.

Regarding the responsiveness of the R-900 vs. the R-90.  It seems a little 
quicker to read the inital TOC and play the first track.  Also, moving from 
track 1 to track 6 say also seems faster.  It also has less delay when going 
from play mode to fast forward or reverse.  On the R-90, FF and FR seemed to 
take forever to kick in.  You still have to wait for the disc to spin up, but 
it starts reviewing in a little under 3 seconds.  I tried to quantify the 
difference, but it is difficult to do accurately and seems variable.  So let 
me leave it a little subjective.  It is better, but still is bowing to 
battery life.

Overall sound quality is the same as other Sony portable MD's I have had.  
Output is a little less than the R-90.  Inefficient headphones are not as 
loud on the R-900.

All for now, I will try to post more when I get a chance.  Feel free to ask 
questions.  I'm back in town now and will be check the digests.

Overall, I am very pleased with the R-900.  I got a blue one.


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