At 9/22/00 3:57 PM, David W. Tamkin increased the world's knowledge by 

>H> I also noticed that the recorder remembers the last recording mode used. 
>H> Last night I recorded a rehearsal using LP2. Now, even if I change the 
>H> disc, it retains the LP2 mode. I suspect this is also true of the other 
>H> modes as well.
>Now *that's* new.  Sony portables traditionally lose the recording mode and
>revert to stereo as soon as you press STOP if you had been recording in mono.

I just confirmed it. It does remember the last recording mode for all 4 
modes, not just LP2 and stereo.

 Ed "What the" Heckman                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Our ego is our silent partner--too often with a controlling      |
| interest.                                                        |
|                                              -- Cullen Hightower |
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