Peter asked,

F> What about : [MDSALES USA ONLY] first in the subject ???
F> Please let me know...

It could be better.  The brackets and the word "only" just waste space and
push the real subject out of view on our index screens, and the solid capital
letters are hard on our eyes.  "MDsales US" without brackets (nor quotes) is
plenty, and I think we can agree on "MDsales NA" (for North America) when an
offer is good only for customers in Canada and the US or "MDsales EC" for
those in the European Community.

Larry commented,

S> I'd add the word "ADVERTISEMENT:

I disagree very strongly.  Peter's suggestion was already too long and al-
ready had too many capital letters in a row.  With "MDsales" there to start,
"ADVERTISEMENT" is entirely redundant (besides being painful).  If you want
to talk about the industry of selling MDs, separate "MD" and "sales" into
two words, or say "selling MDs" instead of "MDsales."

Albert responded,

T> Unfortunately, that doesn't help those reading this list in digest mode...

It helps you a little: it lets you know to skip down to the next article
without taking the time or bother to read the one with the ad.

It would help digest readers even more if advertising posts were kept short,
with terse summaries and pointers to more information (on the web or by email
server) without detailed hype.

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