Dear Dan....

I can't argue with you about the large quantity of advertisement I sent in
the past...

Now, I have suggested some solutions, and I think that if I only put a link
on my signature it will be good too and I will only write message to help or
to answer to another message...

Just forget about a list with coupons on a website or something like this
because all the coupons I find on the Web (It take several hours of research
sometimes) are for a very little time... Sometimes only ONE DAY ! Imagine
the work to refresh a list everyday and update it each time...

So, when I will put a coupon in my signature it will be a RUSH coupon
(sometime it could be good for more than 2 days, but I can't guaranteed it !
It depends of Buy It Online Staff !)

If you find that my Minidisc Advertisement harass people, what about all
those message we received with OFF TOPIC SUBJECT like actors, signer or
anything else non regarding MD matters...

I think that it's better to post advertisement about MD than talk about
subject with no interest with MD, what do you think ???



-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Dan Frakes
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 3:09 PM
To: MDList
Subject: Re: MD: Ok I got another one, but again, MOVE FAST it won't las

Just a few comments...

las <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As someone else suggested, set up a separate list of
>> your own for those that _want_ to recieve your coupon mails and leave the
>> MD-L for actual MD discussion.
>It will never happen. This is a non censored list (at least that's
>what Rick W. recent told me). If you see Peter's name when you
>receive your e mail, just press the delete button. Also, isn't there
>a way to filter out e mail addresses you don't want to receive on
>many browses?

But that doesn't help those of us on digest mode (probably a majority of
the overall subscribers), whose digests consist of a huge number of
"coupon" posts and advertisements.

Rick doesn't want to "ban" Peter's posts, and for those looking for
deals, I agree with Rick that they are useful. HOWEVER, Simon's idea is a
good one. Peter should set up his own "deals" list for those who want his
commercial postings. This isn't really the best forum for that, IMHO.

>There must be several posts a month about something for sale in the
>UK or Aust.

True, but Peter's posts are often several each *day*. It's nothing
against Peter, or "deals." It's the quantity.

>I noticed that it was only one person who complained.

Simon isn't the only one bothered, and there are people from the U.S.
bothered as well. Rick has heard other complaints about this issue. His
dilemma is how to let people get info on "deals" but not let the list get
clogged with commercial junk -- not an easy thing to resolve. I think
Simon's idea was a good one. Either Peter or Rick should set up a "deals"
list. I don't think Peter's rationale that "people don't want to get info
from different sources" flies -- for those who want to be on the deals
list, it's the same amount of email. For those that don't, they don't
have to be bombarded by the latest "hurry!" coupon every day (or every
few hours, it seems ;-)).

>I have never heard any one from the US complain about all of the
>posts from other countries. Until all of the countries in the free
>world realize that we now live in a Global economy, we are going to
>be stuck with things like this happening.

It has nothing to do with country of origin for me. It has to do with the
ratio of commercial/non-commercial posts increasing dramatically since
Peter starting posting. There are times I've simply deleted the digest
without reading it because I can see from the message summary that it's
mostly ads or talk about ads. I'm sure other people do this, as well.
When that starts happening and more people stop reading the list digest,
the quality of the list goes *way* down. So it's not just to appease
people who are complaining -- it's to keep the quality of the list high.

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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