At 15:19 09/23/2000, you wrote:
>HOLY SH!T!!!!!!    If I were paying $31,640.00 for tuition, I don't think
>that I'd really care much about saving $15 either!!!!
>For the rest of us poor slobs, we would appreciate knowing any time we can
>save $15.00, thank you.

WOW. Someone here knows how to use the web!!! Cheers!!!!!! Amazing what you 
can find out from a mindless search engine... I AM amazed... *whistle*

For your information, I've graduated from Wasteland and am now working my 
butt off to pay off for my college loans. And for your further information, 
I -do- use coupons and all these online rebates. My problem, however, is 
turning this list into "Peter's List of Coupon deals" where not only does 
he SPAM the ML but also advertises here with each post...

Now, unless you have something meaningful to add, do kindly shut the hell 
up. I don't like talking to people who turns discussions into these petty 


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