I'm looking for some purchase advice. There are a lot of models, and it's
difficult for me to decide on which to buy.
This is what I want to record:
ambient sound, from the city to the sea.
So I don't care about digital inputs, and I don't care about extended play. 
What seems important for my situation:
1. Best possible sound (i.e. good A/D converters)
2. Small size
3. Long battery life
Please advise. I don't want to spend money for features I'll never use, but
I want high-quality guts.

        Yves Jaques 
Technical Writer     FIDI 
FIDI - room F-216 
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation 
viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00100 Roma - ITALIA 
tel. : (39) 0657056058        fax.: (39) 0657052476    

        Please visit our web site at: 
HTTP://WWW.FAO.ORG/FI <http://www.fao.org/FI>  

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