>...I have noted with some interest that several list members apparently
>record mp3 files from their computers onto minidisc. Apparently, from what
>I've read here and on the several webboards devoted to minidisc, this is a
>rather common practice. In light of this, how do you all feel about the
>that mp3 files recorded to minidisc have been subjected to rather heavy
>compression, not once, but twice? This, it would seem to me, would have a
>definite effect on fidelity. Even well encoded mp3 files may have been
>subjected to compression ratios as high as 10 : 1. Not to mention the added
>ATRAC compression of the minidisc recording process itself. Any thoughts on

    Unfortunately, when the MP3 craze first hit, I too was bitten by that
bug. I purchased a MP3 encoding program and decided I would convert ALL my
CD collection to MP3 and have my entire library on only a few discs! Hell of
an idea in theory, but a bad one in practice.
    After converting everything and burning the CDs, I was very disappointed
in the sound quality. I didn't know that MP3's could be compressed up to
10:1 at the time, but I do now! Regardless I decided to stick w/ MD after
that experience.
    I have recorded a few downloaded MP3's onto MD, and they don't sound
good at all. Unfortunately, when you download an MP3, you're subject to
whatever hardware/software combonation the owner of the file used -- plus
whatever compression algorhythm<sp> their software uses.. On top of that,
ATRAC compression further degrades the quality. Most of the time the sound
is horrible at best.
    This is another reason I don't understand why all these portable MP3
devices are so popular. The sound of an MP3 (when compared to any other
format) is horrible IMHO. Besides -- I feel more confident when I record
onto a MD - rather than recording onto a memory stick. A little static
electricity and *poof* there goes your memory stick music...

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