How long is this mp3 vs. md war going to last????

Face it. MD is best for portable recording. MP3 is best for portable
playing. MP3 players/MP3 cd players CAN'T record! So why are mp3 players
being compared to minidisc recorders? IMHO minidisc units that can only play
are a bit useless. If you only want to play music, and have it portable, go
for a mp3 player. If you want portable recording, go for MD and forget mp3.

MP3 player cons:
* Solid state media is expensive
* CD media needs a PC + WRITER
* You can't generally record when you like to.
* Solid state players can actually hold very little music, even if your
player can do 128 meg cards.
* No editing features available for music.
* Standard bit rate mp3's (128 Kbps) actually lose a lot of quality when
played over hi-fi's

MP3 player pros:
* More of an accepted format
* Media can be played on both player and pc without hassles
* For solid state: Transfer of tunes are much easier
* For solid state: No moving parts. Will probably last longer, if looked

MD recorder cons:
* Recorders are rarely cheaper than 150 pounds (correct me if I'm wrong)
* MD media is more expensive than CDR media
* Going from MP3 to MD means you go through two lossy compression methods.

MD recorder pros:
* Excellent lossy sound compression (Good quality)
* Record when you want, where you want.
* The discs generally look more futuristic and high tech. Hehehehe. Impress
family and friends :-)
* Nice editing features available.
* Can easily transfer music from MP3 to MD, MD to MD, CD to MD, basically
anything to MD.
* Newer models e.g. Sharp Mt-77, provide easy pc connectivity, for mp3
music, making mp3 storage on md seamless.

There is probably more stuff I can't remember. Please don't flame me over
this e-mail. This is simply the conclusion I have made, and I'm not trying
to say mp3 is better than MD, or vice versa. I'm simply saying: Both have
their places, and they are not necessarily trying to compete. Give the mp3
vs. md war a rest. This is a minidisc forum after all, not a music format

In anyway....just my 2c or 2p worth.


Gerard Naude

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