> Are you trying to say that MD users never make copies of CDs which they
> don't actually own? Are you going to tell me that you've never made an MD
> copy of a friends CD or a borrowed CD?

No. I was implying that it is WAY more difficult to go through the whole
ordeal of buying and connecting an MD to a CD player, making the copy, and
then realizing that your copy will only play in the (less available) MDs.
Even then, someone near to you would have bought the original media in order
for you to copy.

Napster, OTOH, only needs you to get the software, connect to the Internet,
and download at will. It doesn't matter who actually bought the CD, since
most probably your MP3 copy will be an "n" generation copy. Thus, you can
get practically every song in existence with no effort.

> Do you seriously think that the only people who use MP3 players are people
> who download their music exclusively from Napster?

I don't like percentages. But I would say that the majority of portable MP3
users got their music ilegally. Why? Because it is way easier and cheaper to
do so. MD doesn't have that kind of flexibility, and it isn't as simple to
create a CD out of an MD (without the proper equipment), so it doesn't
advocate piracy as much as MP3s.

Do you really think that people use MP3s because of their "ease of use",
their "cross compatibility" or stuff like that? Nah. They use it because
they are free.

> Francisco...ahem...how to put this politely...bullshit.
> Don C.

Don, you really have to understand that most of the people have their own
opinions. The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm full of it.


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