From: "Francisco J. Huerta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Don, you really have to understand that most of the people have their own
opinions. The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm full of it.

Francisco...what I'm REALLY trying to understand is exactly where I said you
were "full of it".

I objected to the following statement as bullshit...

"Personally, I think MP3 players are a big hit with... ahem... how to put
this politely... people who don't like paying for their music (aka Napster
users). And that's it."

...and I still do.

I use an MP3 player primarily because I can load one disc for a six hour
plane flight and never once listen to the same song twice. So I object to
your the rather blanket "and that's it" nature of your statement. I think
that the MP3 format makes a LOT of sense for the portable audio user.
Naturally, when I'm at home, I'd prefer to listen to the actual CD as
opposed to ANY compressed format, MD included.

Of course, the fact that I can download music from the internet and listen
to it IS a plus imo...but I digress.  :-)

Don C.

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