on 5/8/01 12:25 PM, Francisco J. Huerta at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Sorry, but that is just incorrect. If you mean "incompatible with a few
>> PC-only applications, yes."
> With a few PC apps? Sorry, but I could only find Macromedia and some Office
> stuff. Our database won't run on Apple (Progress). Our ASP won't run on a
> Mac (Citrix). Nor the clients for those apps. Sun and Windows NT will. This
> is enterprise stuff, not the apps you would run on your home-home office.

For the record, those aren't the only choices for similar technologies. The
goal of using computers is TO GET WORK DONE, and usually for tasks that are
common across most offices. In your case, the people who implemented the
system chose software that's (mostly) Windows only. There is no way that
Macs will fit into that environment without changing the software used for
everyone. But the same would also hold true in a Mac only environment where
the software a company is using runs only on Macs.

I'm a consultant who does custom database development in 4th Dimension. (4D
is a powerful cross-platform, client-server database system. For more info,
see <http://www.4d.com/>.)

4D's biggest advantage is that it's not SQL. 4Ds biggest disadvantage is
that it's not SQL. :-) In other words, because it's not SQL, it can do
things that SQL can't and the overall costs are almost always much lower.
But if being a SQL system is more important than other considerations, then
4D won't be chosen. That's life. The same type of comparison can be made
between Macs and Windows.

Back to the point I was starting to make. Changing internal systems just to
accommodate a different computing platform is the *wrong* reason to go
through such a painful and expensive change. Correct reasons include
reducing costs, increasing reliability, doing things that can't be done with
the old system, the need to support changing standards, etc. It doesn't
sound like these things held true in your case. In that case, the
"experiment" to integrate Macs into your environment was doomed from the

But back to MiniDiscs and Sony in general. Overall, I haven't had any
particular problems with Sony equipment. I absolutely HATED the End Search
button with a passion. But my R50 and now my R900 are working just fine. On
the other hand, I don't usually buy Sony products because other
manufacturers often (but not always) offer more bang for the buck.

 Ed "What the" Heckman                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it  |
| merely because it comes late.                                    |
|                                             -- Felix Frankfurter |

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