My point on computers not being a pressing matter is the fact that there was
an arguement brewing over it, and was trying to stop a flame war, not insult
people, I'm sorry if it came across that way, but its almost certain that
when an arguement starts on this list, people always start insulting each
others spelling, and knowledge, and any way which I could put an end to this
before it got bad was needed in my opinion. And also, the way we listen to
music is more relevant on a list to do with how we listen to music than the
OS we use, agreed?

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"
This is from a chat i had with someone a while ago (and this was him being
"NoNaMeR 2KuK: say we dont need computers
NoNaMeR 2KuK: we could use cheese instead "
For more from this chat, visit

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