I thought MeeGo = community
 On 22 Feb 2011 12:59, "Gabriel M. Beddingfield" <gabrb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 22, 2011 03:30:18 am John Veness wrote:
>> On 21/02/2011 19:50, Patrick Ohly wrote:
>> > On Mo, 2011-02-21 at 13:45 +0000, Dave Neary wrote:
>> >> But even if the best placed person in the technical UX
>> >> project agreed, the chances that it could be changed
>> >> at this point, when we find out about it, are slim.
> [snip]
>> >
>> > Please don't jump to conclusions. I don't think the
>> > code can be considered "finished" at this time, so I
>> > wouldn't be surprised if such a change has a good
>> > chance of getting in. I'll forward the email thread to
>> > the relevant people.
>> I think Dave's point, which I fully agree with, is that
>> the community would like to see things, and be able to
>> get involved, at the design and "wireframe" stage. Even
>> if the code isn't finished, I assume the design and
>> wireframe specs which explain how the UX should act were
>> finished, behind closed doors, many months ago. This
>> isn't, I believe, how MeeGo was supposed to be.
> And here's _my_ point: Community involvement in the design
> and "wireframe" stage *does* slow things down. Everyone
> knows that design by committee is a bad idea.
> I disagree with Dave. This is just user feedback for a pre-
> alpha preview. What slows things down (IMHO) it the
> community whining about how (a) it was all done in secret,
> (b) how they haven't released it publicly, (c) how there's
> no public repos, (d) how it's not integrated to
> bugs.meego.com.... blah blah blah.
> If the community is such a valuable part of shipping
> products on time... where is the community's tablet UX?
> -gabriel
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