On Tue, 22 Feb 2011, Dave Neary wrote:

Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:
If the community is such a valuable part of shipping
products on time... where is the community's tablet UX?

Oh my. What monster topic have I unleashed?


My point, I think, is that design can happen in the public eye without
being design by community. I'm perfectly happy for a designer to say to

I do not disagree. However, it's not easy to do it this way.

Re. design in private, the problem is that you're getting all the
downside of community development (having to deal with the community
complaining about everything) and none of the upside (because you're not
giving community members the tools to be productive).

This makes the community a real drag. It's like working with Windows users.

Nobody from Intel or Nokia can say a single thing without "the community" scrutinizing their every word and action. This is crap. It needs to stop. It does not create a community that is conducive to open development.

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