On Mo, 2011-03-14 at 19:03 +0000, Philip Van Hoof wrote:

> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/tracker-list/2011-March/msg00033.html

Okay, I bite.

> The comparison is favoring Tracker in a number of ways:
>  * Having the Evolution UI running while inserting contacts into
>    EDS slows down the whole process because all data is also
>    getting sent back to the UI. This is more complex than just
>    inserting the data into Tracker, which has nothing reading that
>    data during that time.

Only seconds after the application finished did the Evo UI became 
unresponsive. The second run took 11s instead of 10s, I can
imagine that this 1s difference is the impact. That's of course
just speculation. Somebody would need to investigate this to be

However, on favoring:

Note that the E-D-S test appended contacts. It didn't replace
contacts. The Tracker test replaces contacts.

If I append contacts with Tracker, the time to add 1000 contacts
is under 5s instead of between 12s and 15s.

So I gave a 'huge' favor to E-D-S, to be honest. I should for the
E-D-S test lookup each contact and delete it, before adding
the new one and committing it.

 > * You use the low-level Tracker API to create contacts in Tracker.
 >   QtContacts should have been used instead, because that is the
 >   API that is relevant for MeeGo and that corresponds to the one
 >   you used for EDS.

There is no lower level API for E-D-S as far as I know ..

Afaik will the qct people repeat the test. Note, however,
that the query that we used comes from QtContacts project.

So it wont be much different.

QtContacts doesn't add a lot of overhead on top of the queries
that it produces. Not in performance.

> Of course you have a point about the system as a whole, but
> that still doesn't make the comparison any better.

Can Evolution's UI be running on MeeGo?

> I could speculate whether this comparison was skewed
> intentionally or unintentionally, but let's not go
> there, okay?

I prefer to stick to the numbers, yes.

> I've said before and I say it again here, I consider
> performance comparisons pointless at this time.

Why are they pointless?

> Doing them badly just reduces any good will that might
> be left from the people one is trying to convince.

More tests, including ones with QtContacts, will follow.



Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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