On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 11:22:02PM +0200, jeremias bosch wrote:
> In general:
> Rotation and size/position of the vkb most like need mtf. Also
> controlling of the
> screen (dim/blank) you need mtf since at least qmsystem2 is also deprecated.
> There might be other things which mtf supports and no api is around
> to do it otherwise.
> (maybe we should start to gather all that things and find alternatives)

OK, I'll start, but please don't take this list, or my response to this
thread as a complaint to the change away from MTF, but rather observations
from one currently porting their existing, non-trivial, MTF application to
QML, and where I am finding gaps that I'm not yet aware of solutions for...

With that in mind, here's some gaps I've found so far:

- MApplicationService (default DBus process managemet services, used in
  conjunction with applifed and applauncherd)

- MRemoteAction (DBus interfaces to client MAction/QAction for remote
  invocation by other apps/services)

  These first two would definately relieve the complicated and less than
  ideal current means of having to make "system()" calls to mego-qml-launcher
  from our QML apps right now to, for example, launch email client from the
  contacts client to compose a new email to someone. 

- MLayout and MAbstractLayoutPolicy (allowing for more than one policy
  per layout, managing which is active)

- MGconfItem (Access to GConf keys and signals on them changing, though
  this has been pulled into "mlite", so still technically available)

- MNotification* (Sending, managing and rendering various "messages" to
  the session manager, desktop or other system wide handler.  This too has
  been pulled into "mlite", so still technically available, though not yet

- MTheme (CSS based theming with caching and SVG based assets)

- The retranslateUI() virtual method on all MWidgets, allowing for live
  runtime reaction to changes in the Language or Locale

- The StatusBar shared pixmap.
  Currently, the MTF status bar is not rendered into the meego-ux apps
  that use meego-qml-launcher or libmeegoqmllauncher.  Simialrly, the
  meego-ux status bar does not render into MTF applications either.  I
  can only assume there is also no story for "plain" Qt apps and status
  bar rendering, since, IIRC, it's not reserving space via ICCCM Struts

- Application "prestart"ing... 

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